Articles on Children with Reading Problems

frustrated reader

Parents who have a child who struggles with reading may be interested in articles on children with reading problems. Oftentimes, solutions, advice and support are available. People who have gone through the struggle, either as a parent or as a slow reader, can offer their input and invaluable experience.

Reading Difficulties

It can be hard for a parent to watch a child have problems with reading. The earlier any learning disabilities are identified, however, the better. As children progress through school, they rely on reading more and more; once they fall behind, it's difficult to catch up again.

What happens all too often is that once a youngster lags behind his peers, his grades fall, he may possibly not pass into the next grade level and his literary comprehension continues to be low. In some instances, it's not that a child isn't interested in reading; it's simply that his lack of comprehension makes it a frustrating endeavor.

Reading is not only used for language-based classes. Reading is a big component of every subject, including math. Getting information about children with reading problems may help parents to identify what issues their slow reader struggles with, and how to get the help the child needs.

Online Articles on Children with Reading Problems

Not every slow reader is learning disabled. It may be necessary to test a child through her school or through a private program parents who don't want their child "labeled" at her school usually prefer this latter option). Consult with teachers, guidance counselors and outside experts to determine how best to help your child if she struggles with reading.

Once you identify a specific issue, then you can work on getting a slow reader up to speed. These articles on children with reading problems may help parents everywhere; they provide information, support and resources to help kids:

  • People who are dyslexic often have trouble reading well. This Child Development Institute article on dyslexia and reading problems may help parents better understand how dyslexics view the printed word and why literary comprehension doesn't come easy for these kids.
  • Reading Rockets is devoted to helping children learn to read, love to read and overcome reading problems. The site provides a list of links identifying specific areas of difficulties (such as Vocabulary or Comprehension), as well as steps parents can take to help their slow readers. As with any other Web resource, it's best to research the information, formulate a plan and then get in touch with local programs or agencies.
  • PBS, one of the most trusted sources of educational programming, offers an article on "misunderstood minds", which details facts about reading, how to pinpoint problems and suggestions and strategies that parents and teachers can work on together.
  • Great features an article that focuses on middle school and high school students. Although many programs concentrate on the lower grade levels, it's never too late to help a child with reading.

Other places you can find articles about kids who struggle with reading include popular parenting magazines and your local newspaper.

You may fall into the camp that wants a diagnosis for your child in order to help him; other parents may feel that kids these days are diagnosed unnecessarily for a variety of disabilities. Don't settle for one expert's opinion, especially if it makes you or your youngster uncomfortable. Consult with trusted sources and people who really know your child for the best method of identifying and then helping him with his reading problems.

The Importance of Literacy

Reading is not only an enjoyable pastime; it's an essential part of daily life. Low literacy rates lead to lower incomes. Parents should work together with educators and private tutors if necessary to get children with reading difficulties back on track. It will help with their self-confidence, grades and ultimate success in whatever field they enter as adults.

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Articles on Children with Reading Problems