Funny Birthday Poems for Kids

A child with a birthday cake.

Funny birthday poems for kids are a special, memorable way to celebrate a child's birthday. Especially for kids who enjoy writing stories or reading poetry, sharing [Birthday Poems for Kids|a birthday poem] is a sweet gesture that will encourage your child's talent and love of writing. These verses honor children and will help them treasure their special days even more.

Write Your Own

Try penning your own birthday poem if the prospect of writing something for a child you know is exciting to you. You can personalize it without paying a fee to have another company do the same thing, and you have the freedom to sprinkle in details that directly relate to the child's life and interests.

  • Try presenting your poem in a way that will be special for the birthday kid. If he or she enjoys soccer, for example, you could tape your poem to a soccer ball or use permanent marker to write a line of each verse in the white parts of the ball.
  • Write a Mad Libs poem. Rather than filling in all the details, leave some blank. Read the parts of speech to the child ("noun," "adjective," etc.) without reading the rest of the poem. Read the poem aloud together after he or she has supplied the details. You're both guaranteed to laugh!
  • If the birthday child has a favorite poem or author, write your birthday poem in that style. He or she will love hearing a new work that's inspired by an old favorite.

Give the Gift of Poetry

You can still give a gift of wonderful, funny birthday poems for kids, even if you don't write them yourself.

Kids reading books.
  • Commission a friend or relative who has some writing talent to pen a personal poem for your child. It's a fantastic gift that doesn't cost a thing.
  • You might also consider hiring someone else to write a customized verse for your child. Companies such as Poems to Go invite customers to share information about the intended recipient and the type of poem they want, and they'll do the rest by creating a humorous custom poem for that person.
  • Give your child a poetry book from one of the best authors writing today. Children's poet laureate Jack Prelutsky has several bestselling poetry books for kids on the market that include poems well suited for birthdays and other special occasions. Other humorous poets that your children may like include Shel Silverstein, Ogden Nash, Bruce Lansky, and Kenn Nesbitt.

More Funny Birthday Poems for Kids

Some birthday poems for kids are available free online.

  • 101Kidz posts several, including some that can be customized to your child's age and personality.
  • Poem Source has more contemporary, lyrical poems of a style that might be found on greeting cards.
  • Kenn Nesbitt's personal Web site has many free poems for kids to read, including a few that are specific to birthdays.
  • If you're in doubt about which volumes of poetry might be best suited for kids on their birthdays, ask a children's librarian or bookstore employee, who can explain the characteristics and high points of each book available.
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Funny Birthday Poems for Kids