List of Children's Chapter Books for Book Clubs

Chapter books for book clubs.

Finding a good list of children's chapter books for book clubs can sometimes be tricky. The ideal book for a book club has both some depth and an appeal to a wide audience.

Book Club Basics: Choosing a Good Book

There is no right or wrong way to organize a book club. Sometimes, book clubs will spring up out of a common interest in a single book or a single genre. Other times book clubs are organized around a specific reading level. However, there are a few guidelines to follow when choosing a good book for a book club:

  • Is it interesting to a variety of people? The book in question must appeal to a variety of people. Avoid choosing things that are mostly "girly" or too "boyish" (unless of course your book club is gender specific). In general, choose a story that is interesting, funny or thought provoking.
  • What will you do? When you first preview a chapter book, think about what you're going to do in the book club that has to do with the book. If you can't think of great activities to go along with the book, chances are that it's not a great selection.
  • Is it the appropriate reading level? Nothing will lose students faster than choosing a book that's either too hard or too easy. Choose something that your students can read without any problem and you'll be sure to attract more and more kids to your book club.

List of Children's Chapter Books for Book Clubs

If you are looking for a list of children's chapter books for book clubs, the following selections are a good place to start.

The Giver

The Giver by Lois Lowry is a great book meant for discussion. Based on the idea of a Utopian society, "The Giver" is deep and thought provoking. It is ideal for kids who are in seventh grade and up.

Ella Enchanted

Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine may have tons of girl appeal, but is a great addition to a book club. Watching the movie that was based on this book of course is a big plus as well.

Harry Potter

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling is a given in most book clubs for older kids. The wildly popular books leave a pathway of speculation and discussion as kids read and dig through the deeper meanings of the popular series.

Walk Two Moons

Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech is one of those books that is a page-turner until the very end. Not only will the book provide endless discussion, but it also is a great book to deal with more mature themes such as losing a parent.

Others' Lists of Children's Chapter Books for Book Clubs

If you want to see what others are reading, make sure to check out the following lists that are already compiled. Make sure that you preview any selections to make sure they are right for your group first!

  • The New York Times Bestseller List shows what is best selling right now in children's chapter books.
  • Book Club Resources offers a host of links to point you towards some great reads for your book club!
  • KidsReads does not compile a list for you, but has so many wonderful recommendations that you won't want to miss this helpful site.
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List of Children's Chapter Books for Book Clubs