Special Children's Books on First Communion

first communion book

A special children's book on First Communion is the perfect gift for any boy or girl receiving this holy sacrament.

About First Holy Communion

In the Roman Catholic Church, First Communion is a sacred ceremony honoring an individual receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time. This sacrament is the central focus of the church and is only practiced by Western Catholic Churches. Several Protestant denominations such as Lutherans also laud this day, although the ceremony is not as elaborate as it is with the Catholics.

For most part, if a child is born into the Catholic faith, he or she will have their First Communion at the age of seven or eight, although adults converting to Catholicism can receive this sacrament.

Books as First Communion Gifts

Giving special children's books on First Communion can help the youngster commemorate his or her special day. They can be saved a keepsake and brought out during other religious milestones such as Confirmation or Matrimony. Types of books typically purchased as a First Communion gift include:

  • Prayer: Usually a hand-held book with many simple children's prayers such as The Lord's Prayer and Hail Mary
  • Poetry: A book of rhythms and rhymes about Jesus
  • Memory or remembrance: Technically a small scrapbook where the child can place momentos including pictures and prayers cards from this important day
  • Bible: A child's Bible is a summary of its many books and told in terms children will understand
  • Guide to understanding the sacrament: Can be given beforehand to a child who can then read all about the sacrament he or she will receive
  • Story: A fictional tale about a child making his or her First Communion

The person bestowing these gifts can also personalize these books for the child by including his or her name, the date and church in which the sacrament was received, as well as a picture of him or her in their First Communion clothes.

Finding Special Children's Books on First Communion

Usually a religious or Christian bookstore will have a few books available about a child's First Communion. If you are looking online, here are a few titles you may want to consider:

  • A Child's Guide to First Holy Communion by Elizabeth Ficocelli: Informative and easy-to-read picture book about a boy named Justin who is on his way to church to receive his First Communion.
  • A Handshake From Heaven by Carol S. Bannon: Explains to children how the Eucharist lets them hold God's hand and is a way for them to reach Heaven someday
  • Today I Made My First Communion by Dianne Ahern: Story about curious second-graders as they solve the mystery of the Eucharist and prepare to make their First Holy Communion.
  • Catholic Bible Stories: First Communion Edition by Ann Ball and Julianne M. Will: A compilation of children's Bible stories written in a child's language with wonderfully illustrated pictures
  • My First Communion Book: Remembrance Book by Nadia Bonaldo: Capture the memories of your child's special day with this remembrance book; he or she can write text, draw pictures and store keepsakes inside of it

More First Communion Books

Additional special children's books on First Communion can also be found online at religious retailers:

  • Catholic Free Shipping sells First Communion books, prayer books, rosaries and scapulars.
  • Catholic Store has picture and coloring books, as well as first Mass missals for young children to learn more about the sacrament of the Eucharist.

A Final Note

A child's First Holy Communion is quite a milestone in a young Catholic's life and is a day that should be marked with celebration. A special book on First Communion is not only an appropriate gift to give, but also one the child can keep forever.

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Special Children's Books on First Communion